ISRA Main Page

Welcome to the Idaho Society of Radio Amateurs

Upcoming Events

Our purpose is to advance the radio art and skills, help club members and others, and have fun doing it. 

We meet weekly on our 2 meter net, and monthly in person at our club meetings. Feel free to participate.

Club Update: 

We had a great monthly meeting last night.  We had 25 attendees including some new members and that is outstanding. 
Caleb Moose gave a detailed presentation on operating HF portable.  He discussed his philosophy on how he likes to operate and modes he uses.  His suggestion of learning CW (Morse Code) is excellent and if anyone wants to pursue that I have some suggestions to help you learn at your own pace.  Caleb did a show and tell of his personal HF Pack setup and I can say I have personally never seen anything like this before.  I would recommend he write an article for QST about his setup.  His current set up is centered around a QMX HF QRP radio, rechargeable batteries, solar panels and a miniature computer and keyboard that provide him the capability of operating digital modes.  I could go on but it is safe to say what Caleb has put together and uses regularly is pretty amazing.  Great presentation.
Next month we will have Scott, W7IMC, give a presentation on SOTA/POTA activating and we will probably get some insights on his equipment set up as well.  More great ideas on portable operating!  
Thanks to all who attended.

Reminder: we have a weekly net on Sunday nights at 7:00 PM.  All are welcome to check in.  The ISRA Repeater is 146.94 with a PL of 100.  We look forward to hearing you on the air!

73,   Bart

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