ISRA Net Script

**********ISRA Net control operators*********


Good evening everyone and welcome to the ISRA Sunday Evening Net. My name is _____________ and my callsign is _____________, and I will be your net control this evening.   Other net control operators for the ISRA weekly net are:

Nick, K7NQB

Andy, KK7IED

Dale, KG7KVI

Bart, K7LTC

This net meets every Sunday night at 7pm on this repeater with a frequency of 146.940 megahertz and a 100Hz input tone.   Further information on the repeater is on our website at (BREAK)

The ISRA Club meets on the 4th Thursday of every month at the Idaho Pizza located at 6724 north Glenwood in Garden City at 7pm. Any changes in meeting times will be posted on our website. That website’s address again is Please visit there to learn more about our club. We are also on Facebook. (BREAK)

Is there any emergency traffic before we start Roll Call? If so, come with your call sign. (BREAK)

The ISRA Two Meter Net is an Open Net and any licensed amateur with the proper license is welcome to check in! This net is a directed net, so we ask that you check in when the first letter of the suffix of your call is given. Also, please give me your name and general location. Please speak clearly when checking in. (BREAK)

We will start with Check ins from the current roster.  (Go down the roster from the web page calling each individual down the list). ISRA Net Check in Roster

I am now calling for check ins based on the first letter of the suffix of your call sign.  If you want to be added to the roster, please let me know when you check in.

We will start with stations with a suffix starting with Alpha Bravo or Charlie. Stations with suffixes starting with Alpha, Bravo or Charlie please check in now. (BREAK)

(go down the list)

Stations with suffixes starting with Delta, Echo, Foxtrot please check in now.

Stations with suffixes starting with Golf, Hotel, India please check in now.

Stations with suffixes starting with Juliet, Kilo, Lima please check in now.

Stations with suffixes starting with Mike, November, Oscar please check in now.

Stations with suffixes starting with Papa, Quebec, Romeo please check in now.

Stations with suffixes starting with Sierra, Tango, Uniform please check in now.

Stations with suffixes starting with Victor, Whisky, X-ray please check in now.

Stations with suffixes starting with Yankee, Zulu please check in now.

Are there any Late, Missed, or Visiting Stations wanting to check in? If so, please check in now. (BREAK)

Are there any last-minute announcements, items for sale or trade, or any events? If so, check in with your callsign now. (BREAK)

Hearing nothing, This is (name and call sign), wishing everyone a good evening and successful week ahead. The ISRA two-meter Net is now closed at (insert local time here). The repeater is now open to normal amateur use. Next week’s Net Control is __________. Have a fabulous evening to all.

(callsign), 73

A Ham Radio Club Centered In Boise and the Treasure Valley